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157 bc造句

"157 bc"是什么意思  
  • In 157 BC, Emperor Wen died, and Prince Qi became emperor.
  • Emperor Wen died in summer 157 BC . He was succeeded by Crown Prince Qi.
  • During the reign of Emperor Jing became emperor in 157 BC, the rich principality of Wu was especially domineering.
  • In 157 BC, he was one of the deputies sent to Carthage to arbitrate between the Carthaginians and Massinissa, king of Numidia.
  • After Emperor Wen died in 157 BC and Crown Prince Qi succeeded him as Emperor Jing, Empress Dowager Bo became grand empress dowager.
  • In 157 BC, when Ariarathes had been deposed and had fled to Rome, Orophernes sent two ambassadors ( Timotheus and Romans decided that the two claimants should share the throne between them.
  • The year 157 BC is commemorated by Polybius as one in which Greece was purged of many of her plagues : as an instance of this, he mentions the death of Charops at Brundisium.
  • The greatest number of eclipses in one year was four, occurring in 7 different years : 193 BC, 175 BC, 168 BC, 157 BC, 135 BC, 121 BC, and 117 BC.
  • Chao Cuo was born in Yuzhou, Henan and served the imperial courts of Emperor Wen of Han ( r . 180 & ndash; 157 BC ) and Emperor Jing of Han ( 157 & ndash; 141 BC ).
  • According to Sima Qian's " Records of the Grand Historian ", when Emperor Wen of Han ( r . 180 157 BC ) searched the country for copies of the " Shangshu ", Fu Sheng was the only person who could produce one.
  • It's difficult to see 157 bc in a sentence. 用157 bc造句挺难的
  • The last king of the Western Han was Wu Zhu, King Jing of Changsha, who died without an heir in 157 BC . After that, there were no kings outside the royal clan until the end of the Han dynasty, when Cao Cao styled himself King of Wei in AD 216.
  • The commentary " Shangshu Dazhuan " (  \ 鴉'Y砅, " Amplification of the Shangshu " ) is traditionally attributed to Fu Sheng, but much of the work was probably done by his disciples Ouyang and Zhang ( both fl . 180 157 BC ), or even later scholars.
  • Ptolemy V personally travelled to Philae in 185 BC, with Queen Cleopatra I and the infant Ptolemy VI . Both rulers paid attention to and patronized the local cults as a means of preventing a new rebellion In 157 BC, Ptolemy VI renewed the donation of the incomes of the entire Dodekaschoinos to the Temple of Isis.
  • The " yixing wang " represented an obvious threat to the Han empire, and Liu Bang and his successors suppressed them as quickly as was practical : they had disappeared by 157 BC . The " tongxing wang " were originally left to their own devices but, after the Rebellion of the Seven States in 154 BC, their independence was curtailed.
  • The Julii Caesares were a patrician family, but at this period seem to have found it hard to advance above the praetorship . ( Only once in the 2nd century  in 157 BC  did a member of the family become consul . ) To judge by this marriage, Marius had apparently achieved some substantial political or financial influence by this point ( possibly from his governship in Hispania ).
  • During his long reign Gunchen Chanyu outlived the Han emperors Wendi Liu Heng 噀 ^ 塕F ` ( r . 180 157 BC, " Hyao Wyn Huan-di " in Bichurin ), Jingdi Liu Qi of ^ 塕 _ U ( r . 157 141 BC, Hyao-Jing-di in Bichurin ), and died during the reign of the Han emperor Wudi Liu Che fk ^ 塕?_ ( r . 141 87 BC ).
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